In sintesi
- Add practical veterinary medicine work experience to your CV by observing and learning directly from local vets.
- Work at a veterinary clinic in Brasov.
- Get real insight into the day-to-day life of a vet, and how they interact with pet owners.
- Live with a Romanian host family, and seize the opportunity to explore Eastern European life.
Is this Veterinary Medicine internship in Romania right for me?
Do you love working with animals? Are you planning on a career in veterinary medicine? Then this project is perfect for you! This internship will add value to your CV, and give you plenty to talk about in interviews and essays.
If you don't have previous experience, don't worry. You'll have a supervisor to guide you, and we encourage you to get involved and ask questions. If you're proactive and enthusiastic, the vets will be more than happy to help you learn as much as possible.
Our Veterinary Medicine placements in Romania run year-round, and you can join at any time. We recommend staying longer so you can learn as much as possible.
What will I be doing on my Veterinary Medicine placement in Romania?
You will have loads of opportunities to gain veterinary medicine work experience in Romania, by working alongside local vets. Here are some of the tasks you will help with:
- Assist local vets as they perform basic medical procedures
- Help take care of the animals under the vet’s care
- Deal with pet owners and help reassure them during an emotionally trying time
Assist local vets with medical procedures
As a Veterinary Medicine intern in Romania you will be working alongside experienced local vets. You will observe as they work, and we encourage you to ask many questions and make notes!
If you show enthusiasm and interest, you may also get an opportunity to assist. They will be able to guide you through various basic medical procedures. These may include:
- Vaccinations
- Operations
- Laboratory work
- Post-mortems
- Inspections
- Routine treatment of pets
Help take care of the animals
Apart from assisting vets with medical procedures, you will also be able to help look after the animals in their care. As an intern at a veterinary practice, you will assist in feeding pets that stay overnight and clean their enclosures.
Reassure pet owners
One of the most important parts of a vet’s role is interacting with pet owners. You can probably imagine how traumatising it must be to witness your pet feeling under the weather or injured. This is why being gentle and reassuring with the owners is also important.
During your time as a veterinary intern in Romania, you will get to interact with a range of pet owners. It will give you a lot of insight into how vets handle difficult situations with pet owners.
Where you will be working as a veterinary intern in Romania
You will be based in the ancient city of Brasov. With its terracotta-coloured roofs, gothic spires, medieval gateways, baroque buildings and pedestrian friendly streets, it’s almost like a fairy tale come to life. Although it may seem quaint and almost old-fashioned at first sight, the city is bursting with modern hustle and bustle.
Your working day will be spent at a veterinary clinic in the city of Brasov.
Evenings and weekends will normally be your free time to explore.There are always other Projects Abroad interns and volunteers around and plenty to see within Brasov and the Transylvania region in your spare time.
You will be living with a host family during your stay. They will introduce you to Romanian culture, traditions, and food. Be sure to make the most of your time with them to learn as much as possible about local life.
What your typical day will be like as a Veterinary Intern in Romania
Your day will start with a healthy breakfast around your Romanian host family’s table. From here, you will head to the veterinary clinic using public transport. On your first day, Projects Abroad staff will be there to show you the way.
Your work day typically starts around 8am and finishes at around 5pm. The mornings are usually reserved for general surgery where locals bring their pets to be treated. During these times you will learn how to handle animals and reassure their owners. You’ll observe how a diagnosis takes place and how vaccinations are given.
Once you’ve finished with that, you will be able to help out with other necessary tasks. This might include cleaning, running errands, or assisting with some administration.
After a morning of hard work, you will get an hour and a half’s lunch break. If your host family lives close by, you can head home to eat and rest for a bit.
As 5pm draws closer, you may help feed animals that are staying overnight at the clinic.
Evenings and weekends are your free time to explore. Make the most of your time in this magnificent country by going on weekend excursions with fellow interns and volunteers. Also, enjoy plenty of meals with your local host family and spend time conversing with them. It’s the very best way to learn more about their life and culture.
What are the aims and impacts of our veterinarian placements in Romania
The aim of this project is to offer you the opportunity to gain practical experience and learn directly from local vets.
Doing a Veterinary Medicine internship here will give you a deeper insight into veterinary practices both in Romania and in general. Local vets are eager to get you as involved as possible and will enjoy teaching you about their work.
At the same time, you will also contribute to the welfare of animals in the city of Brasov. Romania joined the European Union in early 2007, and is one of its most disadvantaged members. As an intern, you will be based at a busy practice, providing local vets with much-needed extra hands to help more animals.
Join our Veterinary Medicine internship in Romania and gain practical experience working with animals.
Piani di gestione
Nei Management Plans definiamo gli obiettivi dei nostri progetti. Questo è uno strumento importante per pianificare correttamente il lavoro dei nostri volontari. Inoltre, ci aiutano a misurare e valutare l'impatto e i risultati raggiunti ogni anno.
Grazie ai Management Plans possiamo migliorare i nostri progetti ogni giorno. Questo significa che, come volontario, entrerai a far parte di un programma che ha un un impatto reale dove è più necessario. Scopri di più sui nostri Management Plan.
Misurare il nostro impatto
Ogni anno, definiamo degli obiettivi specifici per ogni progetto e ci impegnamo per avere un impatto sostenibile e a lungo termine in ogni Paese. Ogni volontario e stagista contribuisce al raggiungimento di questi obiettivi, indipendentemente dalla durata del loro progetto.
Per documentare i progressi e i risultati raggiunti, elaboriamo un report annuale chiamato Global Impact Report. Scopri di più sui risultati raggiunti dai volontari, stagisti e dallo Staff di Projects Abroad. Leggi l'ultimo report.
Vitto e alloggio
Alloggerai con una famiglia ospitante o in appartamenti condivisi di volontari a Brasov. Il tuo ospite ti accoglierà nella sua casa, desideroso di condividere le sue usanze e di farti insegnare loro la tua cultura.
Crediamo che questo sia il modo migliore per immergerti nella cultura rumena e vivere un'esperienza veramente unica.
Cerchiamo sempre di accomodare due o più volontari o stagisti nella stessa famiglia. La tua stanza sarà modesta, ma confortevole, pulita e sicura.
La quota del programma include tre pasti al giorno.
Attività nel tempo libero
Fare volontariato in Romania ti farà scoprire il gusto unico della vita nell'Est Europa. Con una vasta gamma di attività, troverai tantissime cose da fare durante il tuo tempo libero.
Questa è la destinazione ideale per gli amanti dell'architettura, con splendidi edifici antichi che costeggiano le strade. Il Biserica Neagră è un esempio di impressionante architettura gotica, con i suoi muri in pietra anneriti a causa di un incendio che imperversò nella zona nel 17 ° secolo.
Non sono solo gli edifici che vale la pena visitare, ma anche le strade. In particolare, potrai girovagare tra le strade più strette in Europa! Nel fine settimana potrai andare in Transilvania per addentrarti nel Castello di Bran - la casa del leggendario Conte Dracula - visitare il Museo ASTRA e scoprire il magico mondo del folklore rumeno.
Avrai la possibilità di conoscere volontari e stagisti da tutto il mondo ed esplorare il Paese insieme a loro o autonomamente, se preferisci.
Sicurezza e supporto del nostro staff
La tua sicurezza è la nostra priorità. Adottiamo diverse procedure per darti il supporto di cui hai bisogno e per farti vivere il tuo viaggio all'estero senza pensieri. Lo Staff di Projects Abroad sarà sempre disponibile, 24 ore su 24, e ti aiuterà ad ambientarti a casa e all'interno del progetto. In caso di necessità, potrai contattarlo in qualsiasi momento.
Scopri di più sul Supporto e Sicurezza.
Meet the team in Romania
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