In sintesi
Join us on a Physiotherapy internship in Sri Lanka and learn by shadowing physiotherapists in hospitals. This will help you prepare for a career in the medical field, and add relevant work experience to your CV.
You’ll work at local hospitals, where you’ll shadow physiotherapy staff. Depending on your experience, you may also have the chance to help with the treatment of special-needs children. We also recommend seizing the opportunity to learn more about traditional Ayurvedic medicine!
Take the opportunity to apply the knowledge that you’ve acquired in your studies while learning new techniques from qualified local staff. You’ll live with a welcoming host family, immersing yourself in the local way of life. Explore this beautiful country and all it has to offer with fellow interns in your time off.
Is a Physiotherapy internship in Sri Lanka right for me?
Are you:
- A pre-university student who’s thinking about a career in physiotherapy and would like to see what it’s like?
- A physiotherapy student who would like to complement your studies with some practical experience?
- A recent physiotherapy graduate looking to build your CV?
If you said yes to any of these, then this is the ideal internship for you.
Your role at the hospital will be purely observational. However, you will be able to view a wide range of conditions, and ask questions about different treatments and procedures.
If you have physiotherapy training or qualifications, then you will have the opportunity for hands-on work. This will involve helping with the rehabilitation of children who have cerebral palsy or speech impairments.
We have a Projects Abroad medical supervisor who is there to ensure that your internship runs smoothly. You will also have a staff member who will oversee your work at each of our partner placements.
This internship is available year-round, from a minimum of two weeks. Our start and end dates are flexible, so you can choose a time that suits you.

What will I do at my Physiotherapy placement in Sri Lanka?
Depending on your experience and training, there are a number of different activities you can get involved in. At your physiotherapy placement in Sri Lanka, you can:
- Observe trained physiotherapists at work in hospitals
- Work with special-needs children to support their rehabilitation
- Train local staff to modernise and improve their techniques
- Learn about traditional Ayurveda medicine practices
Your work will focus on the following areas:
Observe trained physiotherapists at work in hospitals
You’ll encounter a wide range of different conditions while interning at a local hospital. These include elderly people, stroke victims, and those who’ve suffered some kind of injury.
On this internship, you’ll find out how physiotherapists assess and treat their patients. While hospital physiotherapists are often very busy, they will take the time to explain what they are doing wherever possible. You can show your willingness to learn by asking questions, and make the most of your time observing trained medical staff.
Work with special-needs children to support their rehabilitation
If you have qualifications or training, you can work at one of our partner organisations. You can choose to work with children who have cerebral palsy or speech impairments. You’ll assist in their rehabilitation and use physiotherapy sessions to improve their motor skills.
Train local staff to modernise and improve their techniques
If you’re a physiotherapy graduate, you can assist with training local staff. This is a way for you to share what you have learnt during your studies and training and help medical staff to improve their own techniques.
Qualified interns work at a home which cares for children and young adults with severe physical and mental abilities. Through training sessions, you’ll equip staff with updated information. Children will then receive treatment that better reflects the latest developments in the physiotherapy field.
Learn about traditional Ayurveda medicine practices
There is also the option to learn about traditional Ayurveda medicine practices. You need to specifically let us know if you’d like to choose this option, as it is not offered as part of our standard Physiotherapy Project.
Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest healing systems. Treatments include herbal medicine, acupuncture, and special diets, to name but a few. Ayurvedic medicine is recognised by the Sri Lankan government, and there are special hospitals dedicated to the practice. You’ll be able to intern here, and gain insight into this unique method of healing.
Where in Sri Lanka will I work?
You’ll work in a number of different towns in Sri Lanka, depending on which placement you choose. The country has an extensive and affordable public transport network. This means it’s easy for you to get around and explore during your leisure time. There’s so much to discover in this beautiful island nation, whether you enjoy culture, history, or nature.
Colombo is the largest city in Sri Lanka, and the former capital. Several of our physiotherapy placements are based here. One of the options is the second-largest teaching hospital in the country, located in the south of the city. Our special-needs placements are also located in the surrounding Colombo suburbs.
Panadura is a large town situated around 27 km from Colombo. Here you will intern at a busy district hospital, situated in the centre of the town. Alternatively, you may be placed at a base hospital in a nearby town, 18km away.
Galle is a major city, found in the southwest of Sri Lanka. It is situated around 120 km from Colombo. You will intern at a major teaching hospital. It is located outside of the city centre, but well served by bus routes.
A typical day on the Physiotherapy internship
On any given day, you’ll wake up and share breakfast at the home of your host family. After, you’ll travel to your work placement via bus, rickshaw or your own two feet, if it’s close by. On your first day, our staff will accompany you to show you the way.
For those who are placed in a hospital, a typical work day will run from 8.30am - 12.30pm, and then from 2pm - 4pm, Monday to Friday. These hours may vary, however. If you’re working at our partner placements for children with special needs, working hours are from 7.30am - 2pm, Monday to Friday.
If you’ve chosen to intern at a hospital, then you will spend your time observing trained physiotherapists at work. The government hospitals tend to be very busy. This means you’ll see a lot of different patients during the day. You’ll learn from physiotherapists as they assess, diagnose, and treat a variety of different conditions.
For those of you working at our partner placements for children with special needs, you’ll spend time with those who have cerebral palsy or speech difficulties. Your role is to provide physiotherapy, support, and general interaction, which form a vital part of their rehabilitation. This is an excellent way to put your knowledge into practice while helping to improve children’s overall abilities and wellbeing. It’s also a great opportunity to get invaluable physiotherapy work experience while in Sri Lanka.
At the the end of your working day, it’s time to sit back and relax. Sample delicious local cuisine, sharing dinner with your host family. Why not spend time with your fellow interns as you explore the city? You can also mingle with Projects Abroad staff and make new friends at our regular socials. Sri Lanka has plenty to offer in terms of adventure sports, geographical wonders, and cultural heritage. We encourage you to take the time to discover these.

What are the aims and impact of this internship?
Our aim at the Physiotherapy Project in Sri Lanka is to encourage cross-cultural exchange and share medical knowledge.
Many of the interns who join us are looking for additional experience in the medical field. Learn from skilled local physiotherapists and other care staff, who are eager to share their knowledge with you. Overall, this internship will be invaluable for your future career in the field, and will help to build your CV.
Depending on your experience, you will also work to help children with physical disabilities. While healthcare in Sri Lanka is free for all citizens, it can be limited or inconsistent. This means that people who need rehabilitation don’t always receive it. As an intern, you’ll work to improve children’s physical abilities and overall wellbeing through targeted treatments.
We’ve outlined four core goals for our medical placements in Sri Lanka:
- Improve access to basic healthcare for disadvantaged groups
- Improve hygiene standards
- Promote awareness of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure
- Reduce the number of cases of Dengue fever
Join us on a Physiotherapy internship in Sri Lanka and gain international work experience while providing specialised care to children with disabilities.

Progetti di medicina per studenti universitari
Questo progetto è perfetto anche per gli studenti universitari di Medicina e Salute. Le conoscenze che acquisirai sul campo, ti saranno utili per il futuro. Imparerai anche a lavorare con persone diverse e ad avere una prospettiva più ampia dei sistemi e dei problemi sanitari globali. Questo avrà un impatto positivo anche sulla tua futura carriera. Possiamo organizzare un programma che soddisfa tutti i requisiti richiesti dalle università.
Scopri di più su come organizziamo i programmi per studenti universitari.
Piani di gestione
Nei Management Plans definiamo gli obiettivi dei nostri progetti. Questo è uno strumento importante per pianificare correttamente il lavoro dei nostri volontari. Inoltre, ci aiutano a misurare e valutare l'impatto e i risultati raggiunti ogni anno.
Grazie ai Management Plans possiamo migliorare i nostri progetti ogni giorno. Questo significa che, come volontario, entrerai a far parte di un programma che ha un un impatto reale dove è più necessario. Scopri di più sui nostri Management Plan.
Misurare il nostro impatto
Ogni anno, definiamo degli obiettivi specifici per ogni progetto e ci impegnamo per avere un impatto sostenibile e a lungo termine in ogni Paese. Ogni volontario e stagista contribuisce al raggiungimento di questi obiettivi, indipendentemente dalla durata del loro progetto.
Per documentare i progressi e i risultati raggiunti, elaboriamo un report annuale chiamato Global Impact Report. Scopri di più sui risultati raggiunti dai volontari, stagisti e dallo Staff di Projects Abroad. Leggi l'ultimo report.
Vitto e alloggio
Vivrai con una famiglia locale nei di Sri Lanka. Ti accoglieranno a casa loro e saranno felici di condividere con te la loro cultura e di scoprire la tua. Crediamo che questo sia il modo migliore per immergerti nella cultura dello Sri Lanka e vivere un'esperienza veramente unica.
Cerchiamo sempre di accomodare due o più volontari o stagisti nella stessa famiglia. La tua stanza sarà modesta, ma confortevole, pulita e sicura.
La quota del programma include tre pasti al giorno.
Attività nel tempo libero
Lo Sri Lanka è famoso per la sua diversità dei suoi paesaggi. Dalle spiagge alle giungle tropicali, c'è qualcosa per tutti in questo vibrante Paese.
Il vivace Pettah Market è assolutamente da vedere. Potrai conversare con i venditori, acquistare prodotti fatti a mano e goderti l'atmosfera che ti circonda. Per un arricchimento culturale, potrai passare un pomeriggio al Museo Nazionale di Colombo. Il tempio buddista di Gangaramaya è da non perdere, con la sua vasta collezione di artefatti.
La città di Galle è un porto marittimo con una forte eredità olandese e molti edifici antichi coloniali da esplorare. Potrai anche avventurarti nell'entroterra per fare escursioni sulle colline, nuotare nelle fresche cascate e visitare le tradizionali città.
I parchi nazionali dello Sri Lanka includono safari dove è possibile avvistare animali selvatici come leopardi e elefanti. Ci sono anche riserve della foresta pluviale piene zeppe di biodiversità tropicale dove potrai fare bird watching.
Condividerai questa esperienza unica con molti altri volontari. Ciò significa che potrai viaggiare da solo o trascorrere il tempo libero con i tuoi nuovi amici.
Sicurezza e supporto del nostro staff
La tua sicurezza è la nostra priorità. Adottiamo diverse procedure per darti il supporto di cui hai bisogno e per farti vivere il tuo viaggio all'estero senza pensieri. Lo Staff di Projects Abroad sarà sempre disponibile, 24 ore su 24, e ti aiuterà ad ambientarti a casa e all'interno del progetto. In caso di necessità, potrai contattarlo in qualsiasi momento.
Scopri di più sul Supporto e Sicurezza.
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