In sintesi
Help women in Tanzania reach their full potential on our gender equality and women’s empowerment project in Africa. You’ll encourage and provide training to groups of women in order to improve their futures.
For many sub-Saharan countries, poverty has created a vicious cycle that leaves many groups of people feeling vulnerable, undervalued and underheard, most notably women. Girls and women are marginalised and typically don’t live a life in which they can speak up and make the most of what they are capable of. Empowering women and promoting gender equality is crucial to the future growth and progress of Tanzania.
You’ll help target specific groups so they can secure a sustainable future for themselves. You’ll also raise awareness and promote women’s rights in local communities.
During your stay, you’ll live with a local host family in the city of Arusha. By living with the locals, you can get to know their culture and traditions, as well as sample homemade local cuisine! Over the weekend, you can travel beyond the city. You can plan a hike near Mount Kilimanjaro or take a safari to see the wildlife.
Is a women’s empowerment project in Tanzania right for me?
If standing up for women’s rights in Africa speaks to your inner feminist, then our Women’s Empowerment Project in Tanzania is for you. You’ll get to work with and encourage women to fulfil their potential and thrive in their country.
You’ll get to build a strong connection with groups of women from disadvantaged communities around Arusha and provide them with a variety of advice and training sessions. These may be of a particular focus to each group, or to women in general, regardless of their background or current status.
No prior experience is required to join this project as our staff will provide training. However, your own skills and knowledge are appreciated if they benefit these women. It’s a great opportunity to gain practical experience. You’ll get to help vulnerable women and develop your teaching and leadership skills at the same time. You’ll work alongside Micro-finance and Human Rights interns, so you’ll gain a level of understanding in those fields too.
This project runs year-round and you can join at any time for a minimum of two weeks. We’ll always recommend you stay longer as it’ll give you more time to get to know the various groups of women and ultimately see them put their training into practice.

What will I do on a African Women’s Empowerment Project?
You'll assist with a variety of activities to empower women and promote gender equality in Tanzania. This is what you’ll get up to:
Your work will focus on the following areas:
Run skill development classes for local women
Your work will focus mainly on training and building up the skill set of local women. These group classes will focus on - for example - bookkeeping and entrepreneurship. By developing their skills and education, you’ll empower women and provide them with the means to improve their futures and the futures of their families.
The women are selected from a variety of communities, with each group working according to a 12-month plan. This plan is designed specifically for them and covers the various areas that they are looking to focus on. You’ll work according to this plan, building on the work of the interns before you.
Promote gender equality among women in the community
As well as empowering women, promoting gender equality ensures a brighter future for communities. To do so, you’ll help run classes and presentations surrounding gender equality issues in the community.
Raise awareness about the importance of women’s rights and gender equality
While talking to communities, you’ll give paramount importance to the elimination of poverty, illiteracy and ill health among women. We want to reduce the number of women’s rights issues in Tanzania. The key is to invite conversation and discussion to ensure a thorough understanding of the topics and why they’re important.
As more people become educated on these matters, they’ll be accepting of the fact that women are typically treated unfairly and that something needs to change.
Where in Tanzania will I be working?
You’ll be based in the city of Arusha in the North East of Tanzania. The city is located at the base of Mount Meru, not far from Mount Kilimanjaro, and attracts people from far and wide. You’ll see many people from all walks of life, including young Maasai or farmers looking for new opportunities in the city, or tourists flying in to go on safari in the Serengeti.
You’ll work with a local women’s organisation in the Projects Abroad Human Rights Office (PAHRO), alongside our Human Rights and Micro-Finance interns. However, when you aren't in the office, you’ll work with groups of women in various locations around Arusha. These locations are usually rural communities on the outskirts of the city or clustered communities closer to the city centre.
A typical day on the Women’s Empowerment Project abroad
On a typical day, you’ll wake in your host families home. You’ll then have breakfast before heading to the human rights office at 9 am. Most mornings will begin by writing up notes from the previous day or planning the group activities for later in the afternoon.
The rest of the day you’ll run training sessions for the women’s groups, talk to children or raise awareness about women’s rights and gender equality in Tanzania. Your day will finish up at 4 pm.
In the evenings and on the weekends, you’ll be free to explore Arusha and the wider country. You can spend time bartering at a local market, enjoying a tasty meal with your host family or getting to know your fellow volunteers. Over the weekend, we recommend one of the many safari’s exploring the wildlife in Tanzania.
What are the aims and impact of this project?
The aim of the Women’s Empowerment volunteer project in Tanzania is to provide vulnerable and marginalised women with the necessary skills to succeed in life. With this in mind, education plays an important role in women empowerment.
Tanzania has a history of issues regarding women’s rights. Much of the female population feel like they don’t have a voice and that they’re not living the life they wish they could. By providing them with the confidence and skills to succeed, we can help them stand up for their rights, improve their financial standings and secure better futures.
Help us work towards a better future for Tanzanian women by joining our Women’s Empowerment project abroad.

Piani di gestione
Nei Management Plans definiamo gli obiettivi dei nostri progetti. Questo è uno strumento importante per pianificare correttamente il lavoro dei nostri volontari. Inoltre, ci aiutano a misurare e valutare l'impatto e i risultati raggiunti ogni anno.
Grazie ai Management Plans possiamo migliorare i nostri progetti ogni giorno. Questo significa che, come volontario, entrerai a far parte di un programma che ha un un impatto reale dove è più necessario. Scopri di più sui nostri Management Plan.
Misurare il nostro impatto
Ogni anno, definiamo degli obiettivi specifici per ogni progetto e ci impegnamo per avere un impatto sostenibile e a lungo termine in ogni Paese. Ogni volontario e stagista contribuisce al raggiungimento di questi obiettivi, indipendentemente dalla durata del loro progetto.
Per documentare i progressi e i risultati raggiunti, elaboriamo un report annuale chiamato Global Impact Report. Scopri di più sui risultati raggiunti dai volontari, stagisti e dallo Staff di Projects Abroad. Leggi l'ultimo report.
Vitto e alloggio
Vivrai con una famiglia locale ad Arusha. Ti accoglieranno a casa loro e saranno felici di condividere con te la loro cultura e di scoprire la tua. Crediamo che questo sia il modo migliore per immergerti nella cultura della Tanzania e vivere un'esperienza veramente unica.
Cerchiamo sempre di accomodare due o più volontari o stagisti nella stessa famiglia. La tua stanza sarà modesta, ma confortevole, pulita e sicura.
La quota del programma include tre pasti al giorno.
Attività nel tempo libero
Un viaggio in Tanzania è la possibilità di vivere la vita nel cuore dell'Africa. Avrai molto da vedere e da fare durante il tuo tempo libero.
Un progetto in Tanzania non sarebbe completo senza un safari! Questa è la possibilità di vedere la bellissima fauna di questo Paese, come elefanti, rinoceronti e leoni. Inoltre, la Tanzania è la patria della montagna più alta d'Africa, il Monte Kilimanjaro. Potrai trascorrere il pomeriggio passeggiando alle sue pendici e inoltrarti tra la vegetazione lussureggiante.
Addentrarsi nel vivace mercato locale è d'obbligo. Potrai anche trascorrere del tempo in un villaggio Masai, conoscendo uno stile di vita completamente diverso.
Condividerai questa esperienza unica con molti altri volontari. Ciò significa che potrai viaggiare da solo o trascorrere il tempo libero con gli amici che conoscerai durante il tuo viaggio.
Sicurezza e supporto del nostro staff
La tua sicurezza è la nostra priorità. Adottiamo diverse procedure per darti il supporto di cui hai bisogno e per farti vivere il tuo viaggio all'estero senza pensieri. Lo Staff di Projects Abroad sarà sempre disponibile, 24 ore su 24, e ti aiuterà ad ambientarti a casa e all'interno del progetto. In caso di necessità, potrai contattarlo in qualsiasi momento.
Scopri di più sul Supporto e Sicurezza.
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